Thursday, July 5, 2012

AP Art History Chapter 9 Study Guide

  Here is the answer key for the "Gardner's Art Through Ages" chapter 9 study guide. This will be a big, BIG help to review for the AP Art History exam. Pss, I got a 5 on the exam with the help of this study guide
TEXT PAGES 232-245


Define or identify the following terms:

Acroterion blocks or flat pedestals resting on the apex and on the lowest ends of the pediment to support statues or carved ornaments.
      Fibula clasp clasp or safety pin.
Granulation the fusing of tiny metal balls, orglanules, to a metal surface.
Necropolis arranged in an orderly manner along a network of streets, producing an effect veritable of the dead.
Tumulus form of a mound(plural “tumuli”)

1. Name four important Etruscan settlements.
a. Tuscany was the region centered on Florence(birthplace of Renaissance)

b. They controlled cities such as Turauinia, erveteri, vuivi and veii.

c. Etruria was the territory occupied by the Edtruscans.

d. They rely on religious beliefs and practices.
2. List four architectural characteristics of Etruscan temples that distinguish them from Greek temples.

      Etruscan temple                                                 Greek temple

a.      Wooden roof                                             a. Gable- roofed
b.      Narrow staircase at the center of              b. Stairs were placed in all sides

           the front of the building                 

c.   Columns in the front of the building        c. Columns placed in all sides
d.     home furgrand statues of Etruscan gods d. Seen as a sculptural mass from

                                                                       the outside and from all directions

3. List three stylistic characteristics of the Apula (Apollo) from Veii (FIG. 9‑3) that distinguish it as Etruscan.
a. Displays the energy and excitement that characterize Archaic Etruscan art.

b. Huge swelling contours and fanlike calf muscles.

c. Animated face, plunging motion and gesticulating arms.
      Where was it originally placed?
      Temple in the Portonaccio sanctuary at Veii.(Top of the temple roof)
4. What were the favorite materials of Etruscan sculptors?
      Terra cotta, baked clay


Define or identify the following terms and understand what they mean for understanding Etruscan art:

arcuated gateway arch-shaped gateways

Chimera a monster of Greek invention with a lion’s bead, a body, and a serpant’s tail. Goat’s head on the left side of the lion
Cista Cylindrical containers for a woman’s toilet articles.

Voussoir series of trapezoidal stone
1.      Why is the Etruscan Capitoline Wolf (FIG. 9‑10) so famous?

It depict Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome.

2.      Describe the medium and technique used for decorating The Ficoroni Cist (FIG. 9‑12).

Made of sheet bronze with cast handles, feet, and elaborately engraved bodies.

3.      In what way is the sarcophagus of Lars Pulena (FIG. 9-14) different from that of the reclining couple shown in FIG 9-4?

His expression is somber, not smiling, his wife is not present. He isn’t at a festive banquet.
      How might the subject on the reliefs relate to the political situation of the Etruscans in the 2nd c BCE?

They are symptomatic of the economic and political decline of the once-mighly Etruscan city-states.

4. List two features of the magnificent bronze figure of Aule Matele (FIG. 9-15) that show the influence of the Romans.
a.      Wear the short toga and high laced boots of Roman magistrate.

b.      Close-cropped hair and signs of age in the face.

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