Friday, June 14, 2013

Tips for Memorizing Vocabulary


   Memorizing vocabulary can be difficult for many students. Some students also have problems memorizing the vocabulary in a long-term run. I have used all kinds of memorizing methods and decided to share some of them here.

  • I always kept a small handy notebook and wrote all the words that I didn't know from school classes (when teachers talk using high vocab.), textbooks, TV shows, internet, and books in general throughout the day. Before I go to sleep, I searched the definition for each word on the internet and briefly wrote the definition beside the word. I normally memorized the vocabulary the next morning because that is the time when your brain obtains a lot of new information.
  • Difficult and challenging vocabulary tends to take more time to memorize. Thus, I write them down on flashcards and paste them on my bedroom walls, doors, closet, kitchen refrigerator, and even the bathroom! I basically pasted them at the places where I go the most.
  • Long vocabulary list can be tedious to memorize. Admit it. It is no fun. Thus, why not turn the list into a set of flashcards? Write down all the words that you don't know from the list on the front side of the flashcards. Then write down the definition of the words on the back side. Shuffle the cards and try to guess the meanings of the vocabulary. Make two piles: wrong and correct. After reviewing the flashcards for the first time, go over the "wrong" pile. Go through the vocabulary and guess the meanings. Repeat these steps until you don't have any flashcards in the "wrong" pile. You should review the set of the flashcards again after few days later.

Hope this post was helpful. If you have any questions, leave a comment below.

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